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5 Tips for Property Buyers in a Sellers’ Market

As a company working with both sellers and buyers, we root for everyone to achieve their property goals. Unfortunately that is not always the case and as we are currently in a sellers’ market with low stock and many buyers keenly waiting for the right one to come along, we see many disappointed buyers missing out on properties they place offers. Continue reading 5 Tips for Property Buyers in a Sellers’ Market

Five remarkable property sales in October 2019

This autumn is proving to be quite a typical season for selling and buying property in West Dunbartonshire. After some lull in the summer months, homeowners and first-time buyers make the decision to make a move before the end of the year and so we have seen quite a few homes coming to the market and selling quickly and successfully. The available stock is still not meeting the current high demand fueled by affordable financing options, putting sellers in a privileged position. Continue reading Five remarkable property sales in October 2019