Spring Is Still Far – How to Embrace the Winter Time

Winter can be a hard slog, especially during the January and February dip after the Christmas period. When the elements are harsher on our body and mind it’s important to be kinder to ourselves, taking things a bit easier. In saying that, going into full hibernation mode can also just add to the feeling of lethargy and low mood. Here are a few tips to help you embrace winter, keep yourself in balance and survive the colder, darker months of the year.

Re-energise and restore

Take this time – guilt free – for a bit of relaxation and recuperation. Most people are naturally lower in energy at this time of year so it’s okay to take the foot off the gas for a spell, spending more time indoors keeping cosy or in a time out activity of your choice. It’s hard enough getting to and from work in the cold and rain, so evenings and weekends can be quieter in comparison to your busy summer social calendar. January and February can also be a time where funds are tight after the Christmas blow-out, so take pleasure in simple things, tapping into that Scandinavian way of thinking – they know a thing or two about surviving winter after all! Think curling up (by the fireplace, if you have one) snuggled in a soft blanket, woollen socks on, a great book in hand and a hot chocolate to sip as you read. Take time to cook comforting meals you love, have a warm bath, find a new TV series to get lost in, skype friends abroad. Go with the season, take the time to rest and you will emerge in spring with renewed energy.

Wrap up and get outside

Of course we still need to get enough fresh air and daylight to help fight the January blues. Invest in some quality, waterproof outdoor ware and get outside when the weather is fairer to blast the cobwebs away. We are so lucky in Scotland to have beautiful countryside around us with an abundance of walks in nature to choose from, and a stroll on a crisp winter’s day can be just as magical as a visit to the park in summer. You can then enjoy coming back in from the cold, thawing out with a hot drink or a warm shower.

Move more

Low energy and feeling lethargic, stiff and sore can be a problem in the winter when the cold gets into your bones. Strike a balance between curling up on the sofa and keeping your muscles moving. As we covered above, getting outside into nature for a stroll can work wonders as can regular gym sessions or at a class you enjoy – whether it’s yoga, dancing or martial arts. A blast in a sauna after a swim can be fantastic in winter too. Getting out to the gym or to a class is also a great way to keep social in winter, but if you really can’t face heading outside there are plenty of ways to keep fit at home, from exercise bikes, online yoga channels and simple stretching – helping to keep you supple as well as boosting your mood.

Home improvements

We naturally spend more time indoors during winter so it makes sense to get productive! Dig out that DIY to do list and get to all those small jobs you have been putting off, whether it’s a new lick of paint or re-grouting the bathroom. Make steps towards adding a bit of light, colour and cheer to your interiors to contrast with the grey weather outside. You could rearrange living areas and incorporate cheerful colour with soft furnishings. Getting the lighting right is key at this time of year – you might need to bring in extra fittings to help illuminate your home when its duller outside and incorporating candles and fireplace light can give that cosy ‘hygge’ feel when you’re relaxing at home on a dark winters night.

Spend time with loved ones

As we are tempted to ‘coorie’ indoors, winter can at times feel isolating. Keep the family time going after the Christmas period by arranging family dinners and quality time together, making sure to check-in with friends too. Most of us struggle with the winter time, especially the dip post-Christmas before we see the first signs of Spring, so being there for each other is important and fun activities like games nights or trips to the cinema can help keep spirits up.

Plan ahead

The New Year brings the idea of resolutions and looking forward to the year ahead. Take some time to think about things you’d like to do – whether its places to travel, experiences to have or personal and professional goals you’d like to achieve. Pausing at this time of year to do a bit of life planning can mean you are well organised when the winter hibernation is over and also brings about a boost as you looking forward to fun and rewarding things the year ahead could bring.

As one of the West of Scotland’s longest-standing estate agents, we have had lots of experience managing the ups and downs of the housing market in recent times, so you can be confident you’ll be in safe hands when working with us. With an expert team by your side and a variety of properties on offer, including both property to let and homes for sale, at Caledonia Property we are confident that we can match you with the right home.

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