Easter at Home

If you’re spending Easter at home this year and you’re thinking of things to do to with the family we can help. From arts and crafts, to spring decor, and even egg races, we’ve come up with a list of our favourite things to do at Easter as a family.

  1. Decorate Easter eggs

Channel the creative energy of your kids and get them to decorate some eggs in this great Easter tradition. All you’ll need is a selection of non-toxic paint (acrylic works the best) and maybe some glitter and PVA glue if you’re feeling adventurous.

The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Victorians are the people we should thank for this fascinating tradition. Some church teachings said you couldn’t eat eggs during the week that led up to Easter Sunday, so people saved all of the eggs that were laid in this period, decorated them with beautiful designs and gave them to their children on Easter Sunday as a gift! The Victorians gave us the tradition we know today when they replaced real eggs with chocolate ones.

  1. Have an Easter egg hunt around your home and garden!

Egg hunts are as essential a tradition to Easter, as carols are to Christmas.

An egg hunt is a beautifully simple way to tear your children away from computer screens, and get them out enjoying the outdoors. The premise is simple: you hide chocolate eggs around a space (preferably outdoors) and get your children to find them, using a combination of colourful balloons or signs to guide the way. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you like! For the more ambitious amongst you, you could even create a route with clues, riddles and rhymes to make your kids really work for their chocolate!

Alternatively, if you don’t have the time to organise an egg hunt yourself, you can always find a local one near you— many places put them on.

  1. Create an Easter wreath

As well as decorating eggs, Easter is also the perfect time to spruce up your home to reflect the start of spring! Making an Easter wreath is a great way to do this. You’ll be able to buy the basic circular wreath from any good craft shop or florist, and from there you can add those unique touches like spring flowers, easter eggs and feathers. In terms of colour schemes, pastel colours work really well!

If you aren’t feeling very crafty, you can always cheat and buy one from a florist!

  1. Have an egg rolling competition

If you’d like to get some fresh air on Easter Sunday, pop into your garden space and celebrate another old Scottish Easter tradition— egg rolling!

Whilst the tradition of egg rolling races might seem slightly strange, it actually has a serious Christian meaning behind it— it’s meant to symbolise the stone being rolled away from Jesus’s tomb on Easter Sunday morning.

All you’ll need is a slope somewhere— your garden or a nearby park would be perfect— and some eggs. Everybody grabs an egg and rolls it down the hill. The winner is the one that manages to get the furthest without breaking.

The Easter break is also the perfect time to consider whether now’s the right time to move up the property ladder.

As one of West of Scotland’s longest established estate agents, we’ve helped families across the country buy, rent, let and sell properties quickly, and with the minimum of hassle. Get in touch with our team on 0333 241 3333 today or send us a message to find out more.

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