7 Essential Tips for Showing Your Home

The thought of putting your home on the market to show can be a daunting one. Everyone hopes for a quick and easy sale, and for the right price, but there can be a lot to consider in the process. Finding an experienced estate agent in the local area – like Caledonia Bureau is the best place to start. Add in this list of essential show home tips and you’ll be on firmly on track to home sale success!

1.     Impress with curb appeal

Think of the viewing experience as a journey, the first step being when viewers arrive outside your home. We all know that first impressions count and potential buyers will start forming judgements on your property from the outside, setting the tone for the rest of the viewing. Roofing repairs, power washing or painting exterior walls and keep driveways and gardens neat and attractive can make a huge difference. Another good tip is to keep a parking space free for viewers, making their experience of your property as seamless and positive as possible from start to finish.

2.     Think Blank Canvas

Aim to show your home in the best possible light by making sure it gleams and sparkles in all the right places – a deep clean is absolutely essential. Consider all the bits you don’t routinely do such as dusting hard to reach areas, cleaning the cooker and doing your windows. Decluttering is about striking a balance between having your rooms dressed but getting rid of items that are too personal, such as family photos or artwork specific to your own taste. Viewers will want to see available storage space, so don’t pile up your belongings here either!

3.     Small Repairs Go a Long Way

After a thorough clean and declutter you may still feel that some rooms could to with a bit of TLC, such as a new lick of paint or small repairs. These jobs are often inexpensive to carry out but can make the world of difference, so allocating some time and effort here can really pay off.

4.    Appeal to All Senses

You’ve probably lived this before – a certain smell or perfume can evoke strong memories in all of us, so the feelings your home bring up in viewers should be warm and welcoming. The smell of freshly baked bread – or cookies, seem to be rated very highly for most people, but a fresh scent can be achieved with much less fuss – a good airing and a scented candle can do just as well.

5.     Get the lighting and heating right

Experiment with lighting – in the daytime you’ll want as much natural light whereas views in the evening will require strategically placed lamps and cosy lighting. Keep lightbulbs in overhead lights clean and in working order in case viewers want to see rooms fully lit too. Ensure that the temperature is just right, a cold home will create a negative atmosphere but too warm and cosy might be uncomfortable for viewers.

6.     Prepare with a buyer in mind

Thinking about who might be interested to buy your property gives you a head start on presenting it to them in the best way possible. If you can see a professional couple moving in, turn a room into an office space or if it’s a starter home for a new family, the office might be better as a nursery. Aim to target a specific audience without alienating other viewers who don’t fall into that category. We will be there to help out and advise on the right strategy as we have plenty of experience of who is looking for what type of properties in your local area.

 7.     Make a plan for pets

Although your pet is an important part of the family it’s worth remembering that not everyone is used to being around animals. Making arrangements with friends or family to take pets whilst viewings are taking place can be helpful. It will be less stressful for the animals and will just add to that delightful experience we all want viewers to have.

 At Caledonia Bureau, we bring our expertise and sales experience to the table – when we do viewings for you. We will work together to make your home as appealing as possible putting time thought and effort into high quality photos and descriptions.

Thinking of selling your property in the West of Scotland? At Caledonia Bureau we have the local expertise and a track record of selling property within the shortest time possible. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help.

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